Large Canvases

Artist Statement : Bardos I “Passage”  2016 – 2019,  64” x 164” (total measurements for six panels

Originally approached as an abstract contemplation, loosely based on the outlines described in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, relating to the journey through the elements during the process of dying.  Concerns about global warming and impending ecological disasters began to play a part in the painting process and, with these concerns, human figures began to manifest. 
The panels are based on a loosely conceived structure of triangles in primary colors, intersecting by the means of the  consecutive upright and up-side-down triangles. Worked on between 2016 and 2019, there are many layers in these works including overlays and broken time lines.  I think it could justifiably be described as an enquiry into the broken human psyche in regards to man’s major disconnect with nature that, in consequence, delays the urgent question of our survival on this planet which in its turn becomes ever more tenuous.

Bardos II “Las Vida Es Sueño”  w.i.p.  2019 –         , 72” x 226” (total measurements for seven panels).